Hirvitalo (Fin)
http://www.hirvikatu10.net/wordpress.1/ Tampere-based Hirvitalo wins the Art project of the year award Hirvitalo, the Center of...

Andrus Joonas (Est)
Andrus Joonas http://www.andrusjoonas.pri.ee #art #estonia #exhibition #festival #andrusjoonas #painting #performance

Karl-Kristjan Nagel (Est)
http://erztria.blogspot.com PAIN THINGS – this ambiguous title on his web site is how the painter and video artist Karl Nagel...

Jana Wiebe (Ger)
#art #exhibition #festival #janawiebe #germany #painting

Juta Polizia (Lat)
Painting plenair war&peace 1.-10.07.15 #jutapolizia #art #exhibition #festival #plenair #warpeace #latvia #painting

Ilgvars Zalans (Lat)
action painting http://www.zalans.com #ilgvarszalans #latvia #art #exhibition #festival #painting #performance

Tiiu Rebane (Est)
http://tiiurebane.blogspot.com #estonia #tiiurebane #art #festival #exhibition #painting #plenair #review